Friday 3 April 2015

Day 348

1.  Made the decision today to take Dougal on a long walk round the woods to hopefully buy us a little snooze time later in the day.  It was really hard going back just the two of us, but we're slowly getting used to it.

2.  Somebody somewhere doesn't want me to rest! My day did not go as planned and just kept getting busier.

3.  Consequently I now don't know how I'm going to fit everything in tomorrow and am seriously considering taking Dougal to parkrun with me in the morning, this in itself isn't a problem but making him run four miles to get there seems a little cruel, although lets face it what is a run to me is more of a fast walk for him!

4.  H manfully stepped up and took my place this afternoon....

5.  My friends called in to see me after hearing the news of Sid, and came bearing Easter Simnel Buns. Al and C are away, H doesn't like them, his friends don't know there here...  all I've got to do now is keep them out of Dougal's reach and they're all mine! Think it's time to go put the kettle on!

M - 403
Liverpool Half - 72
Glasgow Half - 184
Total Distance covered   520.9 miles

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