Wednesday 22 April 2015

Day 367

1.  Glorious sunny morning, far too nice to spend it in the gym.  That was the first excuse.

2.  Having fallen behind on so many of my jobs over the holidays, I decided that I would be far better staying at home and trying to get a bit more organised, a tidy house after all equals a tidy mind (or so I'm told).  That was the second.

3.  Al dropped C off at the gym this evening, I dropped H off at drama and was then supposed to go and join C, I didn't.  Far better to get the ironing done so there are less jobs standing in the way of cleaning tomorrow, and there's the third.

4.  The thing that would be of most benefit to me at this current moment in time is foam rollering my legs and a bit of  tennis ball torture on my IT Bands, both of which can be done at home without the need to get changed into any gym kit, thus saving time - four!

5.  Falling asleep whilst writing this, I clearly didn't have enough energy to spare today.  Just as well then that I didn't expend what little I had on exercising, and that would be five!  Night night!

M - 384
Liverpool Half - 53
Glasgow Half - 165
Total Distance covered   560.2 miles

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