Tuesday 7 April 2015

Day 352

1.  We got there! Dougal returned to his bed after breakfast, Al got to stay in his and have a lie in, I got some time to potter.

2.  Unfortunately I then inadvertently disrupted the peace in the most upsetting of ways... uploading some photos on to the computer I spotted some video clips of Dougal as a puppy which I thought might be nice to watch, one bark from Sid however and poor Dougal was out of his bed like a shot, tail wagging and yipping in excitement at his return.  Flew out into the garden to greet him and then started looking everywhere for him when, of course, he was no where to be seen. It was awful.  In an attempt to try to divert his attention, I let him go upstairs to find Al instead, at which point there was no settling back down and everyone was up.  A day later and I still feel bad about the Sid bark, but strangely less so about getting Al up.

3.  There has been a slight downward shift on the scales! I think it was this that made me change my mind about running today sis, and put my trainers on.

4.  Dougal and I did a rather slow five miles in the sunshine.  My legs didn't want to get moving at all, but once we'd started I did at least manage to keep them going, and if nothing else we've ticked another run off the training plan.

5.  My boys are home :)

M - 399
Liverpool Half - 68
Glasgow Half - 180
Distance covered              5 miles
Total Distance covered   533 miles

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