Monday 6 April 2015

Day 351

1.  Another beautiful morning, another early start! But;

2.  We had company on our morning walk... Al's home :)

3.  Not sure if it's relief that I'm not having to deal with everything on my own, exhaustion at having done so for the past few days, exploitation of the fact that for the first time in a long time I had the opportunity, or a mixture of all three, but I slept from one till two and three till five this afternoon!

4.  Having written Sunday's blog on Sunday I then forgot to publish it, today I forgot to write at all. For someone who finds it so hard to switch off and relax I am taking this absent mindedness as a positive sign, even if I think we all know it is a bi product of mental and physical fatigue and not indicative of any new found ability to be a bit more laid back.

5. Looking at the parkrun results I clicked on my age category by mistake and discovered a new list! I am the eighth fastest veteran woman aged 40-44 to ever run Dewsbury Parkrun out of a possible one hundred and twenty three of us! (Fellow parkrunner you're thirteenth to save to you looking!).  Whilst on the one hand being chuffed to bits I am however slightly disappointed that this is the highest I shall ever be on this list as I change age categories in three weeks. More disappointing still is that my current PB would have me in twelfth on the 45-49 list.... just as well I decided yesterday that there was more to life than my 5K time!

M - 400
Liverpool Half - 69
Glasgow Half - 181
Total Distance covered   528 miles


  1. Ha ha, you know me so so well!! Thanks for the info!! xx

  2. I also know it'll have given you something else to focus on once you get your 100 run in this weekend! xx
