Saturday 18 April 2015

Day 363

1.  Back in Bronze medal position at parkrun this morning - third female home! Whoooo Hoooooo!!

2.  If I'd only been able to keep up with Al and Dougal at the end I could have been second, but I was spent and got beaten coming up the final hill.

3.  If most of the regulars who are faster than me hadn't been missing I wouldn't have come third!

4.  My time was back to where it was on the first of January, before all the trouble with my IT Bands, I am so hoping that perhaps I might be moving on from there. (It may also have a little to do with the fact that I didn't run to parkrun this morning!).

5.  For any readers fortunate enough never to have encountered a foam roller - remove any link between the words foam and soft, squishy or comfort from your mind! The foam is dense and knobbly and adhered to a tube made of very strong and unforgiving plastic. The roller is then placed under your leg and you use your body weight to push down into the knobbly bits as you roll up and down the muscle.  IT HURTS, but unfortunately it also works. So when I tell you that I went upstairs this afternoon and spent some time foam rollering my legs I think this should be taken as a near a show of determination as you can get!

6.  Special mention must go to Mrs Motivator who got a parkrun PB today! So very well deserved Mrs M xx

M - 388
Liverpool Half - 57
Glasgow Half - 169
Distance covered             3.1 miles
Total Distance covered   555.2 miles

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