Wednesday 8 April 2015

Day 353

1.  The downward movement on the scales is only ever going to be a temporary blip if I continue to eat as much as I did today.

2.  An hour early to meet a friend for lunch, I found myself killing time in a running shop?! Admittedly I didn't spend the whole of the hour there but seems I am more interested in buying new running kit than I am new clothes!

3.  Consequently I am hankering after a new pair of shoes, not entirely sure what's wrong with the ones I currently own (although I have run the treads off in places) but I have a sneaking suspicion that I think new shoes might make running easier.

4.  If I could only run for as long or as fast as my nose has today then I would have completed my marathon AND gained elite status!

5.  Having waited so long for all my boys to be home, they've all gone out to the cinema together to watch a boys film! Going to take advantage of their absence, have a relatively early night and  hope I feel better in the morning.

M - 398
Liverpool Half - 67
Glasgow Half - 179
Total Distance covered   533 miles

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