Tuesday 14 April 2015

Day 359

1.  Spent most of today watching to see if the weather I could see out of the window (cloudy, rather windy and not overly warm) was ever going to match what it said on the BBC weather app (sunny intervals and fifteen degrees).  It didn't.  But after speaking to sisterofMG750 this afternoon I decided that cloudy, rather windy and not overly warm was better than the rain they were having in Glasgow.

2.  Motivation lacking I tried to persuade C to come running with me this morning. He declined.

3.  I think hiding under the table was tantamount to Dougal declining also, but he didn't get the option and was made to accompany me on my five mile run.  He is the perfect running buddy keeping pace with me however slow or fast I go, and today was a little bit faster than last week (but my most despised Garmin won't upload to the computer - AGAIN - and so I can't analyse my run in any more technical terms - I bet you're gutted!).

4.  Came back awash with post run euphoria! It is the most wonderful feeling, and I am full of resolve to really try and sort the issues I'm still having with my IT Bands so that I can keep running and experience it some more.

5.  Al was, I think, a little on the disappointed side that my good mood didn't quite last until he got home, but I had a lovely lunch with the boys mid glow!

M - 392
Liverpool Half - 61
Glasgow Half - 173
Distance covered                5 miles
Total Distance covered   545.1 miles

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