Wednesday 1 April 2015

Day 346

1.  Hoping that the first day on my own with Dougal will be the worst day, and it is now thankfully behind us.

2.  I have a sneaking suspicion that thoughts of a linear progression are somewhat optimistic and that, like my parkrun times, it may be a little more sporadic.

3.  Dougal does great cuddles and he very conveniently seemed to need one just as I'd picked up the iron, or at least I'm sure that's what that look meant.

4.  C and I made it to the gym this evening.

5.  Thankfully the testosterone fuelled beefy bloke who (mistakenly) thought he was really something and felt it necessary to be rude to us last week wasn't there - I may not have managed to hold my tongue or my temper this evening.

M - 405
Liverpool Half - 74
Glasgow Half - 186
Total Distance covered   520.9 miles

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