Monday 1 June 2015

Day 407

1.  I made it to the gym! Went as soon as I'd dropped the boys off at school so I didn't have time to change my mind but climbing up the stairs to reception I did think "Really?! Eleven more months of this?!"

2.  Not sure I'll ever get to the point where I admit to enjoying it, but I do feel better once I've been.

3.  Nice wee moment with C late morning, sharing the excitement of my page view figures reaching eleven thousand one hundred and eleven! Waiting now for twelve thousand three hundred and twenty one, and twelve thousand three hundred and forty five... not that we're number geeks at all!

4.  My replacement iphone has arrived and seems to be in full working order - yipppeeeee! I think I need to change some of the settings though because it is currently making a noise when I receive an email, which is really ruining my procrastinating habit of checking to see if I've had any!

5.  Third bag sold! Thank you fellow parkrunner! Almost a tenth of the way there, although if you think of it in terms of bags sold to bags actually made it's a much more healthy sounding twenty three percent! (hmmm what was I saying about not being number geeks?!)

M - 327
Liverpool Half - 13
Glasgow Half - 125
Total Distance covered   660.3 miles

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