Sunday 7 June 2015

Seven sleeps till Liverpool!

Only it's far more likely to be closer to six and a bit!

One week to Liverpool.  I am in better shape than I was at this point before Brighton and yet still not in the kind of shape I would really like to be in, but as I approach the second of my three half marathon's this year I think it is a pretty fair conclusion to draw that in all probability I'm never going to be.  For all my chat and good intentions I just never seem to do anything that actually results in a change in my behaviour beyond the first couple of times of trying.  What I have to decide is whether or not this matters.

It was hard this week making the decision not to run, and I spent a lot of Tuesday feeling very guilty over it, although I'm not altogether sure why. With all the time I spend planning, thinking and writing about being a runner it's hard sometimes to remember that in reality I am still much nearer the 'fun runner' end of the spectrum than anything even resembling 'elite athlete'! Consequently a couple of training runs missed off my schedule is not actually going to make any significant difference, in either the grand scheme of things or in my actual time next weekend - what relevance my time has beyond a point of interest again is questionable.

The more I read about marathon training and top tips for nutrition, hydration and preparation the more my head starts to swim.  I would go so far as to say I am drowning in too many pieces of half remembered advice and it's time to simplify things and get back to basics. Really there are only two goals next weekend

1. Finish
2. Enjoy

Yet as the day draws ever nearer I can feel the pre race excitement (and nerves) building and know that come next Saturday night HMG and I will be lucky to get even half a night's sleep.  That somewhere a little ahead of 'fun runners' or otherwise we will be up at four, pinning, unpinning, and re-pinning our race numbers on our tops, deliberating over which selection of running kit to wear, looking out of the window to check whether what the weather app is telling us is anywhere near true, trying to decide when best to eat our instant porridge pots for optimum performance, and wishing that sisterofMG750 was there with us.  Not going to be the same without you sis - but hey only seventeen weeks till Glasgow!

M - 321
Liverpool Half - 7
Glasgow Half - 119
Total Distance covered   668.3 mile

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