Tuesday 30 June 2015

Day 436

1.  For the benefit of those of you who don't read via my Facebook page here is sisterofMG750's response to yesterday's blog...

" I always find a little comfort in the fact that I rarely fit into the category of "most"of anything... let alone "most runners"!!"

Which is handy, because this then means that

" Most individual runners become injured or drop out of their marathon training in the last six weeks"

won't apply to you sis!

2.  Today's top tip for staying motivated...

"Do anything necessary to add more fun to your program: after-run rewards, special outfits or shoes after specific long runs, and so on" 

Set my mind off conjuring all sorts of new looks and killer sling backs, but in the end I found myself picturing pyjama's and slippers!

3.  I have been reading about how the left hand side of my brain is the bit that will throw doubts in and my right hand side of my brain, if I let it be creative, will counter these doubts, or not give them room to grow in the first place. So this morning when I became somewhat bogged down by the fact that I now need Public Liability Insurance to attend the family fun day, I couldn't get the lighting right on my cards and my attempt to tweet at lunchtime brought one viewer to my Etsy shop - I took Jeff's advice, stepped away from the computer and immersed myself in an afternoon of cutting fabric.

4.  It worked! So much so that I managed to psyche myself up to phone an insurance company recommended by my Etsy team - only to discover that they stop manning the phones at 1pm! Perhaps right side of the brain activity in the afternoon is a universal thing amongst us artists?!

5.  Best news of the day came this evening by way of a sale on Etsy from my Westival Saviour!  Money for Barnardo's and an improvement on yesterday's views to orders conversion figures all in one go! Thank you Mrs J!

M - 298
Glasgow - 96
Total Distance covered   699 miles

Quotes taken from Marathon You Can Do It! by Jeff Galloway

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