Wednesday 10 June 2015

Day 416

1. The (not mine I hasten to add) personal trainer's quip of "Put a bit of effort in"  as I attempted to send waves rippling (not quite) to the end of the rope I was somewhat half heartedly waggling this morning was met with a rather stony stare.

2. What he was clearly unaware of was the fact that I had expended all my effort just to get myself to the gym in the first place.

3.  I have decided that I'm lazy and I don't like going to the gym because it's hard work. 

4.  I have yet to reach any conclusion over how I feel about this... It may spur me into getting fitter, I may learn to live with it.

5.  Good news this afternoon however... my 'friend's' at MarathonFoto will be there on Sunday taking photo's en route - oh joy! Better still they have sent a link for me to email to my friends and family so they can see the unedited truth for themselves first hand - shame I deleted it by accident.

M - 318
Liverpool Half - 4
Glasgow Half - 116
Total Distance covered   671.7 miles

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