Friday 26 June 2015

Day 432

1. My marathon book has arrived! Not saying that it's aimed at the more mature runner but the seemingly incessant need to repeat itself every other page has made me wonder if I'm losing my memory a couple of times in a "I could have sworn I just read that" kind of a way!

2.  From what I've read (and read again!) his advice really is to not go for a time on your first marathon but just to enjoy the experience.... my thoughts exactly! But I did still find myself looking at the predicted times and finding myself smiling when I read that if I walk run for the first eighteen miles then I can run the rest, so maybe not a complete convert yet sis!

3.  Didn't make it to the gym today to treadmill test my new trainers, but I can report that they are very comfortable to wear whilst ironing.  Not entirely sure this is what the Up and Running Man had in mind when he said take them home and try them...

4.  A request in from Team Etsy to join in on Twitter's Follow Friday saw me attempt to tweet and link and use hash tags all in one go...

5.  Clearly this was too much for Twitter who saw my attempt at branching out from just posting a link to my blog as suspicious activity and blocked my account until I could prove it was me!

M - 302
Glasgow - 100
Total Distance covered   692.8 miles

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