Tuesday 9 June 2015

Day 415

1. Foolishly didn't get into my running kit before Al left for work and so had to fasten first and then adopt a kind of escapologist shoulder dislocation manoeuvre - but I got there without having to ask the boys for help... Some things you just can't ask of your teenage sons!

2. First run with Spotify for company - and I LOVED it! 

3. Had Dougal and me skipping along at 180 bpm with the added challenge of getting home before the 30 ad free minutes were up. We were doing fine until we encountered a couple of BT engineers and a cherry picker! No way he was passing that 'monster'!

4. Only recognised one song - which was rather apt for how I'm feeling about Sunday... Pointer Sister's 'I'm So Excited!' I shall however spare you the video link'.

5. Lucky Dougal got taken out on a further five miler this evening once Mr L got home. Didn't quite get as far thinking of joining them!

M - 319
Liverpool Half - 5
Glasgow Half - 117
Distance covered    3.4 miles
Total Distance covered   671.7 miles

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