Sunday 31 August 2014


Toilet Roll packaging - who needs Paperchase?!

Awoke this morning having had a nightmare about not being organised for the craft activity stall - just what I needed! Is it not enough for it to be occupying my every waking moment?! I do however know why it happened - because I'm not organised. So the plan for the day was to do something about it. The plan for today was also to run five and a half miles.

Up and out my bed, looking out the window at the beautiful morning, it was without a doubt, perfect running weather but I decided not to go. Two reasons: my legs felt tight after yesterday and I didn't think running on them today would be the best move; and secondly it's Al's last day of his holiday and I wanted to spend as much of the day with him as possible so opted for a dog walk together instead of a run.

Back home and brunch eaten this just left the small matter of craft activities to get my head round.  I have sorted through the box of materials given to me by the lady at the pub, and have discovered there are over a hundred pill boxes for decoration - what more could anyone want? Small fiddly and time consuming got to be worth a pound?! I then made a couple of pillow boxes out of toilet roll tubes. I'm really rather pleased with these although there are significantly less of these to decorate (any local readers please save what you can between now and Saturday!).

What I'm less convinced about it my ability to find things to do with the pre-schoolers! Talking it over yesterday post parkrun (what will we find to talk about once this is all over?) the advice is to just give them some stuff and let them get on with it. I think this is why I didn't spend hours doing crafting activities with the boys when they were young - I'm fine as long as they were doing what I wanted them to do, but way too much of a control freak to cope when they wanted to do their own thing! I think I am in for a very rude awakening if I think anyone's going to follow my step by step instructions next weekend!

I have Etsy news! Someone unknown to me has 'favourited' my peg bag! Discussion over brunch as to where this sits in the list... the boys put it above a sale from someone I know but below a sale from someone I don't, Al puts it below a sale from someone I know, which is below a sale from someone I don't, because money hasn't actually changed hands.  He then squeezes a bit more air out of my already burst bubble by suggesting that perhaps she has 'favourited' it so that I will then go and look at her stuff and perhaps I should do the same with some random people.

I'm holding on to the hope that perhaps she was in fact looking for a peg bag and liked what she saw and maybe just maybe will come back to buy it later!

M - 618
HM - 175
Glasgow - 35
Total Distance covered  213.1 miles

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