Tuesday 26 August 2014


Even the word sounds nicer than squats!*

Determined to have a better day after feeling so lousy yesterday, I set the alarm and got out early for my run. Decided on a five mile route and am relatively happy with how it went, although marginally disappointed around the three mile mark when I really thought I had found my stride and was starting to pick up speed, only to discover when I turned the corner that it had had far more to do with the wind being behind me for once than anything I was doing, as without it I was back to my usual form!

Home, showered and riding high on an adrenaline rush it became apparent that my 'lets get up and get out early' plans had  been replaced with 'lets have a pyjama morning' by everyone but me - only one thing for it a four mile walk around the woods with the dogs.

Had a lovely time, and met a really nice woman who may just become my piano teacher! Eh?! Long story - the walk took us a while - but apparently it's on my list of things I'd like to do and not for the first time I'm left wondering why a) marathon running bubbled to the surface first and b) why I didn't try to compile an actual list and then prioritise them so that I could be sitting working my way through scales and arpeggios rather than squats and lunges!

It's isn't however until I'm driving home that the reality of my present predicament hits me. I have just run five miles and walked four. To reach half marathon distance I would have had to set off round the woods and do my entire walk again! This is too far! The second blow comes a while later (you'd think with the clue in the word half it might have hit me sooner) if one run and two circuits of the wood is a half marathon.... 

M - 623
HM - 180 (said in your best darts commentary voice)
Glasgow - 40
Distance covered              5.2 miles
Total Distance covered  205.8 miles

* (and the Italian for squats - accovacciarsi sounds too nice for something so hideous!)

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