Wednesday 27 August 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge Day

For Motor Neurone Disease and WaterAid.

What has happened to me?! First thing this morning I see a post from Fellow Parkrunner referencing some hill and speed work training she has done last night and I can't help myself but to feel envious!

I have not been able to leave my need for speed behind and I am really struggling with this. It is so hard watching my friends get stronger and faster and want to be going there with them. The fact that I ran five miles yesterday and have no pain as a result is a huge step forward, yet it isn't enough to override my feelings of wanting to chase down my PB over 5K.

Talking it over with Al (who wasn't able to run yesterday after sustaining a skateboarding injury on Monday - but is perhaps the coolest Uncle his nephew could hope for!), I have decided that it has been too long since I passed any kind of milestone and I need to set myself a new interim goal, something to aim for that is distance related.

I think it is time to revisit a desire I had way back at the beginning to run a particular seven mile route and set myself a reasonable time frame for doing it. So here goes -
Sunday 21 September is now Seven Miles Sunday!

Today however, was my Motor Neurone Disease Ice Bucket Challenge day! Thank you very much Mrs Motivator! It was very cold, and having delighted in pouring cold water over H a few days ago there was no way I was going to get away with anything less than the three buckets I subjected him to!

I spent a lot of the morning walk with Al this morning trying to see if there was anything I could do to tie this in with my fundraising for Water Aid.  We did consider the warm bucket challenge for Sid (he's too old for cold) he would have sat there no problem and not hated us forever (unlike Dougal) but decided in the end it was just too cruel, I then thought of some ice cream eating challenge for both dogs to see if they licked or wolfed down an ice cream cone down but weren't happy feeding them ice cream - besides which we already kind of know the answer - Dougal's would be a very short video! In the end we settled for Dougal's ice cube challenge, for which I will donate £1 to WaterAid for each catch! (thanks for the slo mo editing C)

Later on this afternoon we were watching various celebrity challenges on YouTube when we came across Matt Damon's. A co-founder of he took the opportunity to raise awareness of the fact that 800 million people don't have access to clean drinking water, and 2.4 billion people don't have adequate sanitation by tipping a bucket of water filled from his toilet to emphasis the point that our toilet water is cleaner than some people's drinking water.

Oh how glad am I that I didn't see this until after I'd done mine!

M - 622
HM - 179
Glasgow - 39
Total Distance covered  205.8 miles
Exercises done

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