Wednesday 6 August 2014

Postive Action

But it was touch and go first thing!

I'm writing, which means one of two things - either I've done my exercises or I didn't mean what I said yesterday. It's the former! I've done them - TWICE! I have also hardly eaten a thing today, or at least that's how it feels!

Got up full of good intentions, and almost fell at the first hurdle but there wasn't enough biscuits left for both of us so with a long drive home ahead of her I very graciously let sisterofmarathongirl750 eat them, but I think the fact that I'm mentioning it may belie my true feelings!

It's always sad when she goes, but have kept myself busy all day so as not to dwell on it. Not sure if I exercised enough decision making behaviour to not be considered a time waster but I have at least been productive!

Last of the Ebay purchases packaged up and posted, I gingerly had a look to see if anyone had left any feedback yet - I am apparently a "perfect seller" which is lovely, but until it comes from the person who bought both pairs of C's trainers I am still feeling somewhat apprehensive about it.
However starting to think of other random things we may have hidden in various cupboards that could be sold - the mind-numbingly boring job of listing forgotten in a wave of post sale euphoria!

Whilst at the post office I sent off another Etsy order (C&H's first question is still "a proper one?!" Alas no! But better than that a repeat customer so I must be doing something right!).

Groupon have sent me an email this morning offering an accredited online marketing course for the princely sum of forty nine pounds - instead of eight hundred and forty nine which makes me a little sceptical as to it's value but nevertheless I spend a fair proportion of the day pondering it's merits.  Part of me thinks it's a sign, a golden opportunity that has been laid before me and it would be remiss of me to let it pass.  The other part of me thinks that one day in to my resolve to exercise daily and I'm already finding something else to compete for my time....

What was the phrase from yesterday again? Oh yes 'avoider'! Well, I have decided to decline their offer for the time being, but am viewing this as positive action rather than procrastination!

M - 643
HM - 199
Total Distance covered  172.1 miles
Exercises Done!

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