Tuesday 12 August 2014

Carpe Diem

RIP Robin Williams

If I'm lucky my morning often starts with a quick chat across the internet with sisterofmarathongirl750, she's been away for the past few days so it was good to have her back in her normal routine earlier today.  Pleasantries exchanged it was down to business - apparently I have to pick the most important task of the day, do it first and not stop until it's finished, followed by a suggestion that I Google "Eat That Frog" for twenty one tips on procrastination. Sometime later (!) I am happy enough to be diverted from what I am doing, and have a look

"One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that need not to be done at all"

Oh dear! This is me all over, I am however somewhat horrified to see that first in the list of tags, before 'procrastination' and 'time wasting' is 'laziness'. Time waster was bad enough, but lazy?! Even when I've worked out that the list was alphabetical and it may not necessarily be the most important point it's still grating! But will at least give me a new topic to ruminate over for a while. A dog walk round the park with Halfmarathongirl discussing rewarding yourself for getting jobs done and I've got even more to think about!

But by the time I get home my new hotfix rhinestones have arrived in the post and suddenly I'm well and truly back on with Christmas and doing a very good job (if I do say so myself) of making some rather lovely sparkly cards that I clearly didn't need to be doing today at all!

Switching the internet on this morning, I learned the sad news that Robin Williams lost his battle with depression yesterday. It's twenty five years since I watched Dead Poets Society whilst spending the summer in America scooping ice creams -  I was nineteen, the world was my oyster and I was going to seize the day.

Not quite sure what happened - I think I've spent a lot of the intervening quarter century letting the days drift by untouched, thankfully though there are others I've squeezed the living daylights out of!
(love you dearly Al, C and H).

Already awash with emotion and in the middle of telling my sister that I love her loads too, Jo Pavey wins Gold at the European Championships in the 10,000m and I'm in tears! She's forty and just had a baby which puts my feeble efforts to get fit into perspective before she's even stepped up to the start line let alone won!

But today's not about winning, it's about a wake up call, a stark reminder that we're all facing our own daemons and some are struggling harder with that than others. I'm lucky the daily fight in my head over getting organised or motivated isn't life threatening and it doesn't really matter whether I do or not (although Al did suggest this morning that whilst he wouldn't swap me for our clean freak neighbour at least the bin would get put out!). But if I've been moved at all by the events of yesterday then perhaps tomorrow it's time that I got on with eating that frog and seizing the rest of the day!

M - 637
HM - 193
Total Distance covered  179.3 miles
Exercises done!

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