Sunday 3 August 2014

Pure Dead Brilliant

and I'm thinking about home...

Biscuits (oh and trainers) packed sisterofmarathongirl750 set off early and arrived just in time to help with the washing up after we'd had our brunch - no standing on ceremony here!

But there is in Glasgow. The Commonwealth Games have finished and I'm going to miss having athletics, cycling and scenes of Glasgow to watch from the comfort of the settee, but hmm perhaps not the closing ceremony which rather than inspiring is leaving me somewhat underwhelmed, which is a shame after Glasgow did such a good job of hosting them. But it was good to see Deacon Blue on stage and hey Ricky Ross once lent off the stage at Strathclyde Student Union and ruffled my hair! But we have been having a good laugh - nothing like a bit of female company to make things more pass remarkable!

I do however get rather emotional watching sporting events and am hoping that I can channel this into some sort of action as I have been really poor at doing my exercises recently. I find myself making excuses after excuses and am cross that two weeks of the summer holidays have gone already and I've done nothing especially as I had so many great plans for being really motivated and making the most of Al being at home to find the time to do them.

I seem to have got side tracked with my fundraising - although there is good news in from Ebay our old shoes have sold! I am a bit mortified that a pair of C's trainers have gone for sixteen pounds and the same person bought a second pair for fourteen... can't help but worry that I've inadvertently put something in the description that makes them something they're not!

There is talk about doing a freedom parkrun at Dewsbury tomorrow morning at half past seven (admittedly this was before the wine was opened) theory being if we don't go early we won't go at all but I can't help but wonder what happened to pre-breakfast tea and biscuits I was promised!

M - 646
HM - 202
Total Distance covered  169 miles

PS Nothing like a bit of Dougie MacLean's Caledonia and Auld Lang Syne to restore my national pride but The Proclaimers were sorely missed.

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