Sunday 17 August 2014

The boys are back in town...

and it's awfully nice to have them home.

Resisted the temptation to switch the alarm off this morning, roll over and go back to sleep, and instead stumbled into the bathroom at around quarter past seven trying to psyche myself up to go for a run. A quick check at the weather on my ipod and we're still good to go. However when I am able to focus for long enough to look out of the window I see a somewhat different picture - it's raining albeit fairly lightly but the sky is very dark.  Nevertheless I have said I'm going to run so decide to stick with my plan.

By the time I'm downstairs and ready to go it's sunny, by the time I'm out running I'm wondering why it didn't dawn on me earlier that the only way the weather can change that quickly is if it is accompanied by a strong wind - which never seems to be blowing in the right direction to help me up the hills! Ran 5.2 miles in 52 minutes though which I'm happy with although my calf muscles are a little tight now and I know I've run today! Which I think means I'm heading upstairs for a date with the foam roller before bedtime! Oh joy!

When I last went to see the Biomechanics Man and I was all pleased with myself for the progress I'd made with my leg strengthening exercises he swiftly put it into perspective by moving on to some exercises that showed the complete lack of strength in my stomach muscles! Running today, checking in every so often with my posture and trying in vain to straighten up I can see that more effort is definitely required on improving my core strength.

It's been quite a while since I've run so far and it was a really good reminder of what I'm trying to achieve. I won't be able to do the longer distances if I don't put the work in now to improve my strength, it really is that simple.  I haven't had a choice but to keep my distance down post Edinburgh but because of it I seem to have lost sight of what the point is.  I need to get to grips with the new Garmin Connect website and get it working as a training tool, instead of fixating about Etsy, or page views, or anything else I've forgotten about already!

FINALLY I've got there! But that's not to say that it won't all go oot the windae if I hear about my stall tomorrow! Then you'll know all about my indecisiveness Halfmarathongirl as I try to work out how many cards to make!

M - 632
HM - 188
Glasgow - 49
Distance covered 5.2 miles
Total Distance covered  192.3 miles

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