Sunday 10 August 2014

Just hear

those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too*

* or for the hearing afflicted ones amongst us tinnitus jingling, ring ting tingling....

I have seriously overestimated what I thought I could get done this weekend, and consequently have gone from being proud of myself for writing my 'to do' list on Friday to horribly frustrated this afternoon. C left at quarter to seven this morning to go Basingstoke for GB training and I have been working through my list ever since, I haven't even had to stop to get on with any domestic chores as Al has very kindly done all of them... but I've still run out of time.

I did however submit my application form to run Oxford! Eek! Worked and reworked Al made me hit send before I spent any more of my day making alterations, although thinking about it - perhaps that's where my morning went! Two hundred and fifty words - I don't know how to be that succinct! Oh well - out of my hands now!

I have spent the majority of the rest of the day desperately trying to get some more cards onto my Etsy shop ahead of my final big push for August - in an attempt to raise as much of the remaining one hundred and twenty one pounds for WaterAid before the end of the Government incentive on the 9th September.  Despite the weather doing it's best to help me out by removing any traces of summer and the lovely smell of plum and mulled wine jam coming from the kitchen (as Al gets cooking for team marathongirl750) to add to the ambience, it's still hard to make Christmas Cards in August! But I'm making headway and fingers crossed they'll be on there by the end of the week at the latest.

And for whilst my thoughts may have turned to Christmas, it appears that the rest of the world is still on, or just returning from holiday! New feet photo in from halfmarathongirl's brother in law who is cruising around Alaska (thank you RM) meanwhile fellow parkrunner has made it back from France, spurned the washing mountain and unpacking and decided to catch up on my blog instead! (No contest really! But good to have you back xx)

M - 639
HM - 195
Total Distance covered  179.3 miles
Exercises done!


  1. All up to date :-) I now know everything I need to know before going back to work tomorrow! One regret though - I forgot to send you a photo of my lovely orange toenails sunning themselves on the beach. Next year!

    Good luck with the Oxford application! xx

    1. Next year?! From Brighton perhaps? Although we may need wooly socks in February!! ;)
