(said in your best Jasmine and Pru voice*)
Our parkrun course is three and a half laps of the park, or four times past the monument or four times up the hill or as was the case this morning four times past the toilets! It was a close call but I managed to resist the temptation to pop in on the way past and finished faster than last week but not as fast as the week before! I seem to be maintaining my speed around the twenty five minute mark which I'm pleased about but my run of 23.44 from the middle of May seems unattainable on present form! Today's weather was damp and humid and certainly not a day for breaking records, besides which Al has pointed out that we were just finishing the 5x50 challenge when we got our PB's so were definitely fitter than we are at the moment - looks like it's back to two runs mid week (I think I'm supposed to be more excited at this prospect than I am!).
But irrespective of what time I ran - my legs feel better than they have in ages! No pain in my knees, or my right ankle and substantially less pain in my left - finally it looks like I might be in a place where I can start to nudge the distance up a bit (again I think I'm supposed to be more excited about this than I am - we drove along some of our five mile route during the week and it looked like a LONG way!).

Sisterofmarthongirl750 due tomorrow - trainers packed I hope?! Although as our days together usually kick off with tea and chocolate biscuits before breakfast I have a feeling that even if they are packed they may stay in the case! Be rude to start training without you HM!!
M - 647
HM - 203
Distance covered 3.1 miles
Total Distance covered 169 miles
* The meaning of which is entirely dependent on your age or the age of your children and their television viewing habits!
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