Saturday 23 August 2014


But it's not just my time over 5K...

My legs may have been itching to run, but dragging myself round the park this morning none of the rest of me seems to have been given the message!  I felt awful, slightly sick, achy back and all in all just a bit miserable. Not surprisingly then, my time (as predicted) yo-yo'd back by about half a minute from last week.

I am finding it really tough, and don't know if I'm clutching at straws when I hope that some of this current lack of form is because I'm working new muscle groups that aren't quite up to speed, or if this is a perfectly reasonable explanation of what's going on. All I know is that it's hard work at the moment and doesn't seem to be getting any easier.

Al's time is a lot more consistent but he's not finding it easy going either, a week to go until he goes back to work and with no opportunity left to do anything about it I'm loathed to make the observation that we need a holiday!

I don't feel well and consequently everything seems like more of an effort than usual and all I want to do is curl up in a corner somewhere warm and sleep, fat chance! Al's brother and family are due tomorrow so we've got tidying and cleaning to do, which we've been meaning to get round to all week but somehow it's Saturday and we haven't started yet so it's our own fault really but doesn't make me feel any better when the world is already just a bit rubbish!

Sometime around six I get a text from C, his team have just won silver medals at the World Alternative Games. I am sooooooo proud of him, and it seems it's not just my parkrun time that is yo-yo-ing today as my mood swings upwards at the news!

I have a lovely hour or so texting him and having a laugh, I'm happy and suddenly the world is an altogether different place, when he texts to say there's a problem.  His bag has inadvertently not made it onto the minibus and is currently winging it's way to Somerset leaving him with only the clothes he's wearing, to last until Monday and somehow see him compete in the Bog Snorkelling Championships tomorrow.  It isn't the end of the world, and will all get sorted in the long run, but my good mood plummets at the injustice of it all, poor C. Not being exactly well off for clothes practically everything he owned was in that bag... a fun trip to the shopping centre on Tuesday then! We both hate shopping which is why he doesn't have many clothes in the first place, but hey at least he'll look good for the start of sixth form!

M - 626
HM - 183
Glasgow - 43
Distance covered 3.1 miles
Total Distance covered  200.6 miles

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