Thursday 28 August 2014

Loom Bands

Do I really have to go there?!

My energy levels don't seem to be improving! It's half past nine and I've just woken up from snoozing on the sofa in front of the TV. In my defense it's been a long day. Supermarket, back to school shopping, and a run - but thankfully no ice! The trouble is, I was supposed to be going to see the lady from the pub that is organising the music festival next weekend to discuss my crafty come and have a go stall.

I think I am in denial about it.  There are small signs that something is afoot - we have an egg box mountain in the kitchen and toilet roll tubes being stored in random places around the house.  What I haven't quite decided yet is what to do with them! Sitting outside the cafe after parkrun on Saturday the consensus of opinion seems to be that I should abandon all ideas of egg box caterpillars, ladybirds and spiders and just do loom bands.

I am very grateful that this whole craze has passed me by and I haven't had to have anything to do with it -yet! It is therefore somewhat reluctantly that I find myself buying a packet this morning with the intention of going on YouTube and seeing if I can work them out before next Saturday - but as yet the packet has remained unopened, discarded in the dining room and is just another visual clue that something's up.

Talking to the lady in the shop this morning, the craze is apparently on it's way out (which I guess is why everywhere is selling them off so cheaply) so perhaps I don't have to go there at all - maybe retro crafts and egg box animals is the way forward after all!

My run this afternoon was hard work, but I couldn't face any of the tidying up or other jobs that needed doing and the thought that I if I ran I wouldn't have to do my exercises was enough to get me out the door!

Just had an email to let me know that my replacement Garmin is on it's way, looking forward to getting to grips with the new website and planning some new routes - anything to avoid having to think about next weekend!

M - 621
HM - 178
Glasgow - 38
Distance covered           4.2 miles
Total Distance covered  210 miles

PS Happy Birthday G! And Happy Birthday yesterday parkrunfastfinisher!

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