Tuesday 19 August 2014


As in deaf - NOT as in dressed!

I have been to the hospital to get my results and it's mixed news. I am called in to see the doctor and am momentarily thrown by the head mirror he is wearing - I've only ever seen pretend ones in children's doctor's kits, or in pictures that look like they've come from the 1950s, but yet here I am in 2014 and he is definitely sitting there with a head band on talking to me like it's not! 

After inquiring as to whether or not I can hear him, to which I answered yes, I am given the good news that my MRI scan has come back clear and he is ready to discharge me. When I then tell him that there has been no change in my ear it becomes clear that I haven't heard his initial question at all (although I'm not sure if it's the head mirror or my hearing loss that's to blame!).

At which point the news is less promising. They don't know what caused it and they don't know how to cure it, and he isn't hopeful that the hearing loss can be reversed.  But I've some tablets to take that may help with the tinnitus, had some blood tests taken to rule out infection and the dentist to visit for an x-ray in case it's something to do with my teeth or jaw, before going back in five weeks to see if there's any change.

Feeling a little sorry for myself there is only one thing for it when I get home - a cup of tea and a Tunnock's Caramel Wafer left over from sisterofmarathongirl750s visit! I managed almost a fortnight without any biscuits or cake or bread but today is not a day for diets.

I am fortunate enough to get an appointment at the dentist this afternoon, and skeptical enough to think this may have something to do with how much it is going to cost me! It is a very odd experience sitting there hoping to hear the words "wisdom tooth extraction", but again it's 'good' news - the fancy new digital x-ray (if that's possible - it was an Xray and came up on a computer!) shows nothing wrong.

Somewhat exhausted by the days events I get home to find Al talking about going for a run - I'd forgotten it was Tuesday! Really not in the mood but also knowing I'll feel better for it we set off to run the route I'd run on Sunday (I knew it would be like laying down a gauntlet!). Legs definitely know they've been and I've a nice blister on my big toe but it was OK, although Al had to leave me to catch him up as his legs were starting to ache trying to run as slow as I was going!

A very quick search on the NHS website this evening to read up on tinnitus and the treatment thereof. A lot of it seems to be about learning how to live with it, there are counsellors and cognitive behaviour therapy courses and a suggestion that surrounding myself with other sources of noise might help distract me from it. At which point I would like to thank everyone who wished that my afternoon crafting in the gazebo would turn into a gift horse but it's not quite what I had in mind!

M - 630
HM - 186
Glasgow - 47
Distance covered               5.2 miles
Total Distance covered  197.5 miles

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