Sunday 24 August 2014

200 miles

Maybe that's why I'm so tired!

Didn't have a good night sleep, I had pain shooting down my left leg making it feel like I had cramp and I just couldn't get comfortable, I was however a little slow to hear Dougal barking this morning (I think there may be times when being a little hard of hearing may be an advantage) consequently Al got up to see to him and I got another couple of hours in bed - result!

I didn't feel much better when I got up, and am just fed up feeling like a bag of bones! I also think it may be fair to say that I'm quite miserable company at the moment and Al (who was already of the long suffering variety of husband) is earning his stripes, although I think he may just prefer it if I cheered up a bit.

Sisterofmarathongirl750 is equally as unmotivated - it has transpired that we both thought we were doing the other a favour signing up for Glasgow, and that now we've ascertained the fact that neither of us are particularly fussed about running there is suggestion of going out for breakfast instead! Halfmarathongirl I think this makes you chief motivator! Which is a trifle mean given our current state of disenchantment!

Made it to the two hundred mile mark yesterday! Only another eight hundred to go on en route to my marathon. I have worked out that I'll get to the one thousand mile mark if, from here on in, I average around ten miles a week, and given my current mind set this also means I may be able to miss some weeks altogether as my distance increases.

Al and I were speaking to a man yesterday after parkrun who was telling us that he was perfecting his negative attitude, if he thought he was going to do rubbish and didn't have any aspirations to do better, he couldn't be disappointed! And for whilst I can see the attraction, far better instead to be inspired by Fellow Parkrunner's fabulous all time personal best yesterday over 5K, following a long and laborious road to recovery after being knocked off her bike a year ago...  way to go RLB!

Time to knuckle down and weather the storm.... better days are on their way.
Seven weeks til Glasgow - can't come soon enough sis x

M - 625
HM - 182
Glasgow - 42
Total Distance covered  200.6 miles
Exercises done!


  1. I have a horrible feeling it is 6 weeks til Glasgow !! xx

    1. Ah yes! Still at least it means I get to see you sooner!! x

  2. Thank you for the mention :-) Negativity is not the way to go! You can do it, you know you can and you will! It's going to be a fantastic achievement. Focus on the positive, that's whay I say. It's not always easy, but you can do it :-) xx
