Thursday 21 August 2014

Too Old

I am exhausted just by travelling!

When we planned our day to take C's GCSE results to him in Newport and watch him play for GB, I don't think I really took on board how long the day was going to be - but it was worth it! He has done really well in his exams and we are exceptionally proud of him - but four hours driving to get there and four ours back have taken their toll! It appears that I have turned into an old woman and I can't sit for that long without my legs and joints starting to ache, especially when you've to share the passenger footwell with Sid (in fairness at least it wasn't Dougal!).

I haven't been to watch C play underwater hockey for a while - what a difference! Admittedly there isn't a lot to see from the spectators gallery but it was obvious that the games were faster, lasted longer, and were just on a completely different level to what I've seen before.  I am in awe of the level of fitness required to play - no wonder C can beat me so comfortably at parkrun!

Yes he has youth on his side, but he also trains hard.  I need to get over my frustration at the time it is taking me to feel any stronger and just knuckle down with my training and exercise programme. If I do, then it will come, and I will start to feel like it's getting easier - hopefully without the need for me to don a snorkel and fins and have a go at underwater hockey - I don't do swimming at the best of times!

It has been a privilege to watch C grow into the young man we went to see today, although emerging from the car tired and achy on our arrival home at half past midnight, I couldn't help but think that perhaps H is the sensible one among us - left at home alone for the day, he did venture outside long enough to go and pick up his tea from the fish and chip shop before taking it upstairs to eat in his bedroom! Sometimes I really wish that was my idea of heaven!

M - 628
HM - 184
Glasgow - 45
Total Distance covered  197.5 miles
Exercises not done - clearly not knuckling down to do them today!

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