Monday 11 August 2014


But in a most enjoyable way!

With my 'to do' list from Friday still not done, I had more than enough to be getting on with today, particularly sorting the car insurance which I think runs out on the 17th but might be worth looking up. No time like the present (ha! ha!), I've just checked - it ran out today! Thankfully it's on auto renew which is never the cheapest option but at least it's done and I can tick it off my list.

Unfortunately none of the other list entries are going to happen by themselves, but this doesn't seem to register with me as I take full advantage of there being female company in the house to factor in a trip to the fabric shop for peg bag supplies. (Not sure what happened to focusing on Christmas, clearly one day was enough to send me off at a complete tangent!).

It was quite a nifty manoeuvre really - C and his two friends (one of whom is Etsy Favouriter, both of whom are female) needed driving round to a few places and I devised a route past the fabric shop on the off chance that the girls wouldn't mind accompanying me. They didn't, we (as in me and the girls) had a lovely time and bought some nice material, none of it however really from the budget range so I'm not sure how successful a fundraising venture it is going to be - but at least they'll look nice!

Trouble is I've now got a pile of fabric I want to 'play' with, half a dozen half finished Christmas cards, some sketchy ideas for special occasion cards, my knitting back on the needles ready to go and a thousand other things I'm supposed to be doing. Somehow I don't think the point of a 'to do' list is to write down what needs doing and then add the bits that you'd rather do onto the bottom and do those instead!

In my current state of flux I can't really blame the girls presence for not doing my exercises, although the sight of their friend's mother attempting to groan her way through 60 squats would probably be enough to ensure they never came round again and I'm not sure what it would have done to C! I know, I could have gone upstairs to the privacy of my own room and no one would have been any the wiser but somehow there just wasn't the time - which means it's now or never if I want to hit 'publish' tonight!

M - 638
HM - 194
Total Distance covered  179.3 miles
Exercises done!

Happy Birthday Halfmarathongirl! x

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