Tuesday 5 August 2014

Time Waster

Sounds so horrid it may have just spurred me into action!

My facebook friend and fellow blogger Murph has posted a link on FB about procrastination asking "what type of time waster are you?" (Time waster?! - sounds so much worse in it's raw form!) On reading the article it appears that I am 'an avoider' this much I think we already knew!

It recommends keeping a daily journal (not sure a public blog counts) and talks about the fact that I am prone to 'decision fatigue' because I don't exercise my 'decision-making muscle' enough, before going on to suggest that the key is to practice making simple decisions and then progress to making more complex ones to build my mulithinking strength - just as someone training for a marathon does, I need to get my mulithinking muscle in shape by frequently making decisions.

What it doesn't cover however, is what to do if it's the marathon training that you're procrastinating over in the first place!

I finished my antibiotics yesterday, this is as good as it's going to get in terms of a starting point to improve my eating habits and get in shape, but my sister is still here and the pull of tea and biscuits is too great!

So I've said I'll start tomorrow when she's not here but it's hard not to feel that I am just putting it off - although I did make a token gesture by having salad instead of egg and chips for lunch (actually it felt like more than a token gesture when I was sat at the table watching everyone else tuck in - but less of one by the time I'd eaten my way through a naan bread with our curry this evening!).

I did think that perhaps I should try and impose some sort of 'no exercises - no blog' rule as clearly writing this is the only bit of the entire process that I've managed to maintain any motivation for... perhaps I should have given greater thought to what it was I wanted at the start and I could have just found something else to waffle on about on a daily basis without the need to exercise!

But marathon running it is and only two hundred days to Brighton, so here goes 'no exercises - no blog' - it may be a while till you hear from me!

M - 644
HM - 200
Total Distance covered  172.1 miles

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