Monday 1 September 2014


* The practice of baking something in order to put off doing something else you need to do.

I don't like it when Al goes back to work and I don't want it to be September, so it's not too hard to deduce that today hasn't been the best of days.

It's clear I haven't been on my own for a while, because at the first opportunity for my mind to wander aimlessly, unchecked and uninterrupted it's off - full steam ahead to previously unchartered waters and I've started worrying about running out of time to get everything sorted for Christmas! I think I'd like to be taken out and shot now please.

A little bit more self analysis (always such a fruitful use of my time) and I think I'm employing some blocking out technique so that I don't have to think about the intervening time too closely.... now if only I could come up with some suggestions as to why that might be the case?!

I know that I need to sit down and write myself a plan for this coming week up to AND INCLUDING this weekend, and I know I need to have a look beyond that and get some other things that I need to get my head around sorted, or at least in my book to contemplate later, but somehow I couldn't quite get myself into the right headspace to start. I think I was hoping that the postman might have delivered those pompoms and googly eyes for me to sit and while away the afternoon with, but no such luck.

Instead I have had to resort to my newly found and much loved term - procrastibaking - thank you so much to whichever one of my FB friends brought the term into my consciousness, I think it may have been you Murph but I can't find the link, I have however found a whole Facebook community dedicated to the art!

On closer inspection the posts all seem to be from around 3 years ago - which begs the question what's happened to my kindred spirits? Is it possible that once you embrace this method of procrastination you will at some point have eaten so much cake that you feel compelled into action and it is thus some sort of self cure? Only one way to find out....

M - 617
HM - 174
Glasgow - 34
Total Distance covered  213.1 miles

Etsy order in- thank you Fellow Parkrunner! Dance danced - don't care what the boys think! (To either their opinion of what counts as a 'proper' sale, or what I looked like!)

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