Wednesday 24 September 2014


why didn't I think of this earlier?!

The money for the last flurry of Etsy purchases is in... and I've reached the nine hundred and fifty pound mark on my totaliser! Whoop! Whoop! Actually I've raised nine hundred and sixty five pounds which means I only have to sell five cards to six people and I'll have A THOUSAND POUNDS!

I have this evening launched an appeal of Facebook to find those six people and have my fingers crossed that they are out there and ready to help me reach this milestone, especially as at the moment with the Etsy offer they will get them for half price! (Etsy favouriter you are not expected to spend your birthday vouchers in my shop, but when those orders are in, you are expected to come and eat cake and dance the Etsy dance with me whether my son invites you to or not!).

I know I am getting my hopes up and am perhaps being a little too expectant but I'm so close it's hard not to be, besides which it comes with the added bonus that I would be busy making cards and wouldn't therefore have time to do anything else! Quite where this fits in with my newly required relaxation is anyone's guess, but perhaps I could kid myself (if no one else) that I'll stop stressing quite a much once I've reached this milestone?! Not convinced? No neither am I, especially as I am in the process of organising my next afternoon tea party!

I haven't run, or exercised since Sunday, I am just too tired and haven't managed to find the time, but I am trying not to beat myself up about it.  Instead I've been consoling myself with the fact that the end goal of the first week of our training plan is to run 10K, which if I set as next Sunday in Glasgow, means I've got a week in hand before training starts in earnest, so if I'm going to take time off it kind of has to be now. 

I'm sure I also read somewhere that the best way to prepare for the start of a training plan is to eat copious amounts of brownies and cream in the week building up to it, which is handy really as I just happened to bake some yesterday.

M - 594
HM - 151
Glasgow - 11
Total Distance covered  251.3 miles

First order in, thank you schoolfriendofMG750, that's the ironing pile bumped down the list!

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