Tuesday 16 September 2014


Everything's falling apart!

The best bit about having a haphazard to do list which is yet to be prioritised is that it doesn't matter which bits you choose to do.  I did however decide which one thing was my most important for the day and get it done first before cherry picking my 'job' for the afternoon!

So, ironing over I set about trying to fathom out what was going on with my knitting (it was on the list!).  I think I may have bitten off a little bit more than I can chew with my latest project. It has been almost a year in the making and not yet finished.  I have complicated things by making it in different yarn to the one recommended, on different size needles the result of which is I'm not sure what size it is going to end up, but it looks like it might be a bit of a tight fit! Actually it wouldn't be if I was built in the same proportions as the model wearing it in the picture but I'm not (which is a bit of a shame really). It's one of the worst things about knitting - you don't know what it's going to look like until you've finished and you just have to plough on with your fingers crossed.  Not for the first time I see the similarities between my two 'hobbies' as this is a lot like running. You have a picture in your head of where you want to finish but have no idea when you set off if this is where you'll end up.

Trying to sew in a sleeve on my jumper to see if it works before knitting the second, I make a real mess of it and I have to unpick it, but I unpick the wrong bit and before long it is all starting to unravel.  I then find myself sinking into the depths of self destruct mode as I start to see this as being synonymous with my life at present, which is starting to fall apart at the seams.  My health is getting worse instead of better, I am not making the running progress that I would like, all the little jobs that I hoped I would be able to motivate myself to do still need doing, and I'm beginning to run out of ideas for trying to sell my wares - despite offering everyone £5 and it being a nice round number of sleeps until Christmas today (but I wasn't going to mention that!).

By the time Al gets in from work I'm swithering about whether or not to go for a run and he practically puts my shoes on for me! I'm glad he did, it was the right thing to do as it helped clear my head and give me something else to focus on other than my melancholy outlook on life. Recently Al and I have been grading how well we've run by how long it's taken us to scuff our feet - today I was at the three mile mark, but I'm blaming it on the pavement. By the time I reached four miles there was no doubt it was fatigue!

Return home to a lovely message from fellow parkrunner who LOVES her peg bag! Thank you RLB it was just what I needed to hear and feeling slightly more positive about things I have since sewn my jumper up properly, it's not perfect but it's better than it was, time to crack on and knit that other sleeve because it might just come good in the end....

M - 602
HM - 159
Glasgow - 19
Distance covered 5.8 miles
Total Distance covered  240.9 miles

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