Thursday 18 September 2014


An odd day of reflection

Born and raised in Scotland (but with completely English parentage) I have long since considered myself a Scot, proud of my - albeit first generation - heritage, and fiercely nationalistic when it comes to the Six Nations Rugby although admittedly this was easier back in our heyday of 1990. However waking up this morning when my beloved country is going to vote on independence and not having a say in that process, I have never felt more homesick (and I was bad enough at the Commonwealth Games, or when Al and I watched Tutti Fruiti a couple of summers ago!).

I don't know if, living in England, I should have been entitled to cast my vote, but being denied the opportunity has left me feeling like I'm being penalised for leaving, that suddenly I'm not Scottish enough and my views don't count. Yet I don't feel like I belong here either and I spent my morning feeling detached and displaced and daydreaming about 'home'.

As the day has worn on, I have resigned myself to two facts.  Firstly there is nothing I can do except sit with my fingers crossed whilst we wait to see what the morning brings (which isn't exactly conducive to typing), and secondly I'll be there soon enough running a 10K (which I don't feel in the slightest bit ready for!).

Etsy dance was however danced this morning despite my wistful mood, and will be danced again when the boys get in from school (I know how much they enjoy it!).  Thank you fellow parkrunner for your continued support, and boys I have decided that repeat purchase from friend comes higher than new sale from stranger!  It might not come with the euphoria and excitement of selling to someone unknown and I am still awaiting that day (although I've had three favourites from people I don't know so keeping those fingers crossed....) BUT it means that they like what I've sold them enough to come back and buy more, and that means I'm doing something right.

Al and I have been invited out to see Throwing Muses in Leeds tonight by parkrunfastfinisher... finally a chance to get together without having to run 5K, why didn't we think of this sooner? Which means I've a shower to have, tea to make, dogs to feed, diamantes to stick (onto cards, I hasten to add, not my outfit for this evening), oh and breakfast dishes to clear up... wistful doesn't appear to come hand in hand with productive!

M - 600
HM - 157
Glasgow - 17
Total Distance covered  240.9 miles

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