Thursday 25 September 2014

Zip A Dee Doo Dah

Zip A Dee A

My appeal for friends to help me reach the half way point in my fundraising resulted in fresh interest in my shop and the excitement of a couple of orders fairly early on last night.  First up was schoolfriendofMG750 with her first order, followed by Mrs J, my Westival saviour with at least her fourth!

SisterofMG750 then remembers to tell me that one of her friends has had difficulty finding my shop as the link I've been posting on FB takes you to Etsy's home page, not mine.... Nightmare! All those cards I rushed to put on a few days ago and no one's been able to find them! ( My Etsy shop's called marathongirl750 in case anyone reading has had the same problem!)

By the time Al got in from juggling I was busy drawing and colouring in, and rubbing out and glossing so I can get the orders out as quickly as possible. It was all very exciting as I edged ever nearer my target and by the time I got to bed I was like a child waiting to see if Santa had been... I couldn't stop checking my ipod for any updates.

Two late orders, one from a friend at parkrun who, having seen what she's managed to do with a piece of furniture purchased on holiday in France and a coat of albeit rather expensive paint, shall from here on in be referred to as Style Consultant, and, perhaps the most exciting of all, one from a friend of Fellow Parkrunner who reads my blog! This is the closest I've got to a 'proper' sale (although the boys have discounted it because I begged people to buy!). Ignore them...  I was by now in a state of euphoria and completely unable to get to sleep!

I am both touched and amused by the message sent to me along with this last order, where someone who only knows me through my blog has managed to learn enough of me to tell me that they aren't in a rush for the cards and I'm not to worry about sending them off quickly, but perhaps doesn't fully realise the extent to which I am unable to see "it's OK take your time" as anything other than lackadaisical! (They will be ready to pass on to RLB on Sat!).

This morning over breakfast it was clear that my euphoria has not abaited overnight, I'm singing and dancing and C keeps telling me not to get ahead of myself, but by this point I am ONE card away and am checking my ipod every minute waiting for that all important next order. Which doesn't come.

A couple of early views of my shop and then nothing. It was almost like the world had gone off to work or something and didn't have time for surfing the internet in search of greetings cards.

I was devastated, the boys had (for once) quite rightly stopped me from being the £1000th pound customer and buying one of my own cards but it was a long wait until I got back in at half past four to discover that Halfmarathongirl is the rightful recipient of the title!

Thank you to my wonderful friends who were part of the excitement of the past twenty four hours, and to all those who have played their part in getting me into the position where I can say...

We've done it! £1000 raised for Barnardo's.....


M - 593
HM - 150
Glasgow - 10
Total Distance covered  251.3 miles


  1. YEY!! I am dancing.
    Having just caught up on the week (shame on me), I feel obliged to tell you; I had tried to buy a thankyou card from you for you, but it wouldn't let me!! (Apparently only some shops accept vouchers :'(, it has instead bought me a very pretty dream catcher for my car)
    However your offer of cake is too good to refuse!
