Thursday 4 September 2014

The other side of marathongirl750

Guest blogging is allowed in exceptional circumstances.

And so I've been given the keys to this blog because of a busy house, there are egg boxes and paper and other art supplies and paraphernalia all over the surfaces that I'm not normally allowed to put my stuff on.  Like I say it's a busy house, we're on blue alert ahead of this weekend's Westival where MG is hosting the arts and craft tent. 

Well MG gets to tell you all about her day and how she feels about it, it's all very cathartic I can tell you.  I last wrote a diary ten years ago but have never managed to find the inclination to do so again, here goes.

I went back to school on Monday and it all feels as if I've never been away.  Straight away there are jobs I should be doing, things I should have kept up to date but haven't and will need very soon.  A new set of children and some old faces too.  I've been thinking today and yesterday about the best way to introduce trig to a bunch of year 11s who will end up at grade B at the end of the year.  There just seems to be two or three avenues into the subject and I'm trying to cover all the bases.  My cupboard in a mess, my desk is heading in the same direction and my form group are moody. But hey only 39 weeks of it left.  I know that people with real jobs will point out the holidays and stuff but every year I feel like I'm starting a new job I just know where the photocopier and stationary cupboard are. 

I hurt my shoulder last week, I fell off my skate board.  I'm aware that I've been complaining about it lots and I am grateful to MG for not making comments along the lines of me being a man and men not coping with pain or illness very well.  The last couple of days it's got better.  I juggled last night and felt much better than last week.  I couldn't do anything too complicated with my left hand.  I was passing with my usual partner, we build up to throwing tomahawks with both hands in a six club ultimate pattern.  We throw clubs, of which we have three each, at each other with both hands every time we throw a club and we throw them over hand, like you would throw an axe or tomahawk.  My left hand couldn't cope.  We managed 7 club three count which is an ambidextrous pattern.  The Leeds juggling convention is the last weekend of November and the show needs organising so there was lots of chat about that, I'm overseeing the show this year having only been a stage manager last time, so a promotion of sorts.

This evening I had a guitar lesson.  I bought an acoustic for my birthday and have had a couple of lessons with that instead of my electric.  I was good tonight, although no one has asked how it went yet.  Been struggling with some arpeggios but made some progress.  I'd been leaving my figures on the strings which had made the notes rubbish so tonight I practised changing my practice with a drum beat and it went well.  It's back to improvising around two pentatonic shapes on my electric in a fortnight.  I'd better dig it out and get some work done.

Well thanks for reading this don't know if this will ever happen again and I don't know if I'm going to start one of my own.  Actually I do know and I'm not. 

I've just been told that it has to be about running and I knew I'd got some parkrun news.  A woman at work stopped me on the stairs and asked if I ran at Dewsbury and if I'd been marshalling last week.  So not only had I not spotted her in the last five or so times she has been there but I gave her a token and said well done.  She wasn't sure it was me, but I hadn't even noticed her, but will make sure I say hello this week and talk her into coming for a coffee with us after.

So I hope you've understood my ramblings and I'll see you at parkrun. 
May every page you turn be a Satchel Paige.

M - 614
HM - 171
Glasgow - 31
Total Distance covered  218.9 miles
Exercises and arts and craft preparations done

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