I've started so I'll finish
One of my biggest bugbears is not having enough time to finish something once I've started (although admittedly it does depend on how much I want to be doing it in the first place!). Somewhat disappointingly after that introduction the thing I most wanted to be doing today was sorting my spreadsheet of cards made and sold - to get it up to date and working properly!
I struggled to set up my spreadsheet in the first place when I didn't really know what information I wanted on it, and now that I do, I struggled to get it all transferred across onto the one form from the numerous different worksheets I've managed to write in the interim. I started at ten o'clock, by half past one I hadn't finished, I hadn't eaten lunch, I hadn't walked the dogs and I'd only remembered to drink half my cup of tea that I'd made when I first sat down.
I was clearly in a mood to try and get things in order and I really didn't want to have to stop without finishing, especially as I knew that when I did my day was going to be taken out of my hands and disappear in a flurry of dog walking,tea cooking, chauffeuring and shopping, what I hadn't foreseen was quite how long the preparation of tea would take after I cut my thumb open whilst chopping some veg. In a strangely fortuitous way however at least I had some Steri-strips in the house after the embarrassment of going to A&E last year with a similar injury only to have a nurse stick a plaster on my thumb!
Eventually I finished it and am confident that it works! It might not be the most efficient spreadsheet in the world and there is probably a way of collecting the information in a much more concise fashion, but for now it's done. I know what I sold, when I sold it, whether it was through Etsy or a private sale, and how many cards I have left, should any more Etsy orders come in, sorry WHEN some more Etsy orders come in.
It's not rocket science and I can't help but think that it shouldn't have taken as long as it did, but I am pleased that it's done. A small semblance of order has been restored, it feels good and might even motivate me to tackle the dresser in the back room, just so long as I don't get interrupted half way through!
M - 596
HM - 153
Glasgow - 13
Total Distance covered 251.3 miles
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