Monday 15 September 2014


but all in a good cause...

My energy level over the past few days seems to be have been at an all time low, and this evening is no exception, although I have yet to actually fall asleep and it's ten to nine, so perhaps I'm making progress... no I take that back my eyes have just closed, albeit momentarily, this is going to be a struggle!

I've had a busy day socially today which has been lovely, and also kept me from having to look too closely at the to do list, but I have at least made a start and my three week planner is no longer blank. What I haven't managed to do yet is prioritise anything on the list, but having just discovered that H got dressed by torch light this morning I think perhaps sorting his broken bedroom light might be a good start!

My Etsy order of what counts as a proper sale has however hit an all time low, at least according to H (although I think I may have to agree with him).  Last night fellow parkrunner very kindly took advantage of my £5 Etsy voucher and ordered a peg bag (this isn't the low bit!). It worked a treat, she got £5 off and I received the full amount - excellent! Trouble was when my friend (who isn't on line) asked to buy one today I didn't feel it was right to ask her for the full amount when I knew I could get Etsy to pay some of it on her behalf if only she had an account, or alternatively (and this is the low bit) I made my lovely son join Etsy and order it on her behalf! I have tried my best to set his account up so that he won't be swamped with emails offering him suggestions to things he might like (bearing in mind the only thing he's bought is a peg bag so the relevance of these mailshots to a fourteen year old boy isn't likely to be great) and I do hope his contact list doesn't get an email enlightening them all to his latest purchase, not the best for his street cred (but following a similar incident between me and schoofriendofMG750 last night, not beyond the realms of possibility!)*

Run day tomorrow, although I'm not sure how far to go. I think I'd like to do five miles and see if I can get round without my knees hurting. Trouble is I can picture how far away that is from home and right now I just can't see me having the energy to even contemplate going that far. It's not often I wish I had a treadmill, but I can see it's advantages - but I know me and I'd find an excuse to duck out early all the time. Better therefore to be committed to a particular route and just have to keep going till I get home!

M - 603
HM - 160
Glasgow - 20
Total Distance covered  235.1 miles

* I would however like to point out that this was non Etsy related!

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