Friday 5 September 2014

I'm Back!

But thanks Al for stepping up to help last night...

It was a difficult decision to chose between Al's offer to help paint egg boxes or write my blog last night, and I'm not sure whether my choice to let him write my blog was based more on the fact that I was exceptionally tired and not feeling particularly verbose, or my inability to delegate anything creative - no prizes for guessing where my money is!

I was very restrained and left him alone to get on with it, but I did see the title 'The other side of marathongirl750' which set my mind racing....

What was he going to talk about? What would he say about me?  Would he write my blog as if he were me observing my day, or would he take the opportunity to vent his spleen over what it's really like being the other half of marathongirl750 - how nice it must be to go for a run in the sunshine whilst he's a work, and quite how many times in the past 137 days he's had to cook the tea or do the washing up because I've been too busy.... Sitting out of sight but within ear shot of the computer I deduced by the speed at which he was typing he was definitely venting!

I allowed him the same courtesy I get every evening which is to publish unseen by anyone else, and anxiously awaited the time to come for us both to be together but for me to do the reading for once.

A diary! I was wrong on both counts, it wasn't about me at all! He hadn't written my blog, but used my platform to blog! Somewhat confused as to the approach he'd taken and trying not to sound too reproachful of it, I suddenly realised these were the words of a man trying to get a word in edgeways!

Dear Al, I guess you didn't feel the need to tell everyone what it's really like being married to me, you already have the sympathy of every reader... but I will take the opportunity to thank you for all your support. There is no doubt that I couldn't have undertaken any of this without it and you are doing all you can to make it a success, not often at the expense of your juggling but frequently at the cost of guitar practice! I take you for granted but I do know how incredibly fortunate I am to have you, and I love you dearly. This doesn't mean however that I will be resuming my domestic duties anytime soon, and if you could look after me especially nicely this weekend please - I think I'm going to need it!

Right boxes packed and ready to roll.... Westival here I come!

M - 613
HM - 170
Glasgow - 30
Distance covered 4 miles (not often that sisterofmarathongirl750 runs further than me - Well done sis!)
Total Distance covered  222.9 miles

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