Monday 8 September 2014

(first) Mission Accomplished!

I've done it!

I have raised my pledge amount of two hundred and seventy five pounds for WaterAid before the 9 September deadline which means that with the Government's pound for pound matching scheme and the addition of Gift Aid, I have raised over six hundred pounds!

It may have almost cost me my dignity in terms of selling my old clothes a few weeks back and my soul this weekend, but I've got there. Thank you to all who helped make this happen. I should be jumping for joy but instead I'm just shattered and still more than a little disheartened at the failure of my Etsy shop. 

I am utterly exhausted, and according to the window cleaner I look it! (Why anyone ever sees the need to tell someone they look tired is beyond me, it is of no surprise to the person you're telling and just makes them feel ten times worse). But it's true, I am. So much so I'm not even going to make any excuses over not running or doing my exercises today. I haven't done either, big deal!

Which is shame because money raised, all I've got to do now is run! (Oh and continue with my Barnardo's fundraising!).

But I think at least for this week I need to spend some time trying to get the house back in order. It's a tip and I am not as organised as I would like to be, which let's face it is probably situation normal, but it's on the brink of having gone too far even for me!

So time to take stock of where I'm at and get back on track a bit, now that the immediate pressure that I put myself under to raise the money by tomorrow is over. And therein lies the crux of the matter, pressure that I put myself under... trouble is I don't know how to do laid back. I think I kid myself that it lies the other side of being really organised, where if all the jobs are done I would be able to calm down a bit and heaven forbid relax! Trouble is I never get to that point so am left with this stress head and a pile of half finished jobs. Something needs to change, and I've a horrid suspicion that that something is me... be warned Al it may be a bumpy road  - like the current one's been smooth!

M - 610
HM - 167
Glasgow - 27
Total Distance covered  222.9 miles

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