Thursday 11 September 2014


... sometimes I just like to moan!

I used to work with a girl who would religiously come in every morning and give us her drama for the day, we would then spend the following eight hours trying to come up with various solutions to the problem, none of which would be quite right and she would leave no further forward than she arrived, but having secured everyone's attention in the meantime. It didn't take me long to become wise to her game and stop playing.

Last night, within minutes of posting my blog, I received a text from Mrs J (my Westival Saturday saviour) offering me a lift back from the garage this morning to save me having to walk and I had to reply saying thanks, but no thanks, I've got to walk the dogs anyway. What can I say? I have been rumbled! Caught out! Bluff called! Moaning for the sake of it without any intention of accepting any practical help... But when did this happen? Is this a recent occurrence or (as I suspect) something going much further back?

There is a saying that you get reflected back what you least like about yourself.... have I always been Phillipa? Or worst still one of those ghastly PTA mum's who moan constantly about having too much to do and then refuse any offers of help? (just so as we're clear here - these are rhetorical questions I don't need you to answer!) Although in truth I genuinely did need to walk the dogs and couldn't take of my friend's time for a lift when the first thing I was going to do when I got back was go out for a walk. Even so, and not for the first time, I think a bit of self evaluation mightn't go amiss!

Starting with why I ignored my own, and everyone else's advice to make the increments in the distance I was running gradual, and ran so far on Tuesday! I set off this afternoon to collect my now no longer poorly car with the intention of running past the exit I needed on the Greenway so that I'd run a total of 4 miles by the time I'd finished, but my legs were having non of it, and my right knee in particular. In the end I headed straight for the garage which at two miles is the shortest run I have been on for a VERY long time.

Drowning in the antithesis of post run euphoria, I was particularly unpleasant to Al when he came back in later from his usual five mile route, the closest to post run euphoric that we've seen. I am pleased for you Al, I am just so cross with myself for pushing it too far too soon when I knew exactly what the outcome would be, and listening to you talk about feeling better after following my advice when I'm doing so badly at it was the last thing I needed to hear! Which brings to mind another saying, we teach best what we most need to learn, I will get there one day it's just taking a while for the message to get through!

M - 607
HM - 164
Glasgow - 24
Distance  covered             2.1 miles
Total Distance covered  232.2 miles

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