Saturday 20 September 2014

Running up that hill

No problem!

Today was my fiftieth run at Dewbury parkrun! There is a differing of opinion as to which part of the hill counts and whether we run up it three or four times, but what is undisputed is that I have now run a total of 250 kilometres around Crow Nest Park, and because I still work in old money - that's over 150 miles (and roughly a day out of my life!).

It was parkrunfastfinisher's fiftieth run today (huge congratulations for marking it in style with a PB, but not overlooking yours fellow parkrunner!) and his family came along to run and support him. His lovely wife looked as disenchanted with the whole process as you sisterofMG750 and again a little incredulous that we do this for fun, week on week come rain or shine. But sitting outside the cafĂ© later with tea and flapjack (admittedly not quite the champagne and cake I had dreamed of) and it all starts to make more sense!

A couple of our parkrun family members have been absent recently attending University open days with their sons, and already my mind is racing ahead to my 100th parkrun and I'm wondering if I'll be able to manage it before I am doing the same thing with C next year. Al has pointed out that I'm already missing at least two (Glasgow 10K and Brighton Half) but there's the Christmas Day bonus run and the New Year's Day double (where the Dewsbury run sets off early so there is enough time to make it to Huddersfield who run late). So it is doable if only by the narrowest of margins provided that the weather doesn't interfere with my plans, and the very small point of me remaining parkrun fit for the next year!

Clearly I am having an upswing in mood today - post run euphoria has lasted well into the afternoon - and I'm starting to think about sticking with my original plan of tomorrow being Seven Mile Sunday. Surely if I took it slowly I would be OK, and there is still a fortnight to recover before Glasgow... a quick check on BBC weather and the morning looks sunny, oooh I could be sorely tempted to do this, although an upswing in mood that lasts overnight might be pushing it a bit on current form!

M - 598
HM - 155
Glasgow - 15
Distance covered 3.1 miles
Total Distance covered  244 miles

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