Friday 26 September 2014

Pink Noise

Pie Charts and Puddings...

After the furore of the past couple of days it was nice to have time this morning to get my cards finished and my spreadsheet updated, whilst sitting in the relative quiet with just the dogs and some 'pink noise' for company! Pink noise* is apparently easier to listen to than white noise, I'm not altogether convinced of this and do wonder who they ask to reach these conclusions, but I needed to concentrate so opted for it instead of the radio.

My spreadsheet is far from sophisticated and a bit on the inefficient side as it still requires more manual inputting than I think is absolutely necessary, but it works! I know how many cards I've sold, how many I've made but not sold (to be fair I can count those ones in my head!), how many are listed on Etsy, how many pieces of blank card I need to keep on one side in case I get an order, and how many are left.

This sorted I then decide to see if I can remember how to get it to produce a pie chart, and before long I have a lovely pictorial breakdown of how I have raised my thousand pounds.  Sue's garden party remains by far and away the most successful to date raising a little over half of the total, and it will be interesting to see where the changes come as I go on to raise the next thousand and this segment reduces to a quarter.

I had hoped to be able to post a picture of my chart on here for you to share in it's beauty but I can't work out how to do it, and FIFA15 came out today so the chance of seeing a teenager who might be able to help is, at best, slim to non existent!

I then move on to who has been my best customer (but choose a bar chart this time!) disappointingly but not unsurprisingly it's me! As the only person who has bought every card they've sent from me, it stands to reason that I will be my own best customer, but it isn't really the most sustainable of business relationships!

Trying so hard to wean myself away from staring at my Etsy viewing figures (which, lets face it, just replaced my blog readership stats) I have actually managed to refrain from checking on them half hourly basis. Although it's hard not to feel a bit flat when you've watched them rise to being in their twenties and then plummet to one, and worse still when that one lives in Hungry and isn't therefore particularly likely to hit 'buy'.  But perhaps it will give me time to tidy up and get the house in order before going away next weekend.

Very much looking forward to our wee trip north Halfmarathongirl, and catching up with schoolfriendofMG750 - it's been far too long.  As for you sis, I may curse you around the 8km mark, but I'm glad you suggested it and can't wait to see you either. Al has spent the past two evenings preparing your Christmas pudding ready for me to bring with me, but it's smelling so good it may just get eaten before then. That said, my little week off is over with the arrival of another Saturday morning parkun and that hill's going to be bad enough without lugging a belly full of Christmas pudding up with me!

M - 592
HM - 149
Glasgow - 9
Total Distance covered  251.3 miles

*For those of you wishing to share in a little of the tinnitus sound therapy treatment.... you'll be pleased to learn there's nine hours of it!

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