Wednesday 10 September 2014


like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel... 

The house is a tip. There is stuff lying about that I never got round to doing anything with last week, and this week's stuff has just landed on top of it. The space on my desk is shrinking by the day, I ended up making the cards in the most higgledy piggledy fashion, leaving a trail of destruction in my wake that I've yet to clear up and the ironing mountain is taking over the lounge. All of which is starting to make me feel somewhat claustrophobic and I haven't even found the time to procrastinate, let alone procrastibake!

I did attempt to tidy up the lounge earlier but as I reached over to sort the sofa cushions (which have a very annoying habit of creeping forward when sat on) I felt the hamstring in my right leg tighten... I didn't run all that way yesterday to get injured straightening the settee! Although it may have something to do with walking four miles round the woods this afternoon - even Dougal's got a bit of a limp about him. He'll have to sleep his off, I'm dreaming of a hot bath (one that doesn't need the octopush kit removing from it and then cleaning before I get in it!)

Tomorrow I've to take my poorly car to the garage and then walk the two miles home, before walking (or running?) back to get it in the afternoon which means I'm trying my best not to get too wound up about not being able to get my jobs done before Friday! But as you can tell it really isn't working. I can't help but feel like I'm going round in circles and getting nowhere fast!

It's OK sis, I can hear you telling me to focus on the one thing that will make the biggest difference, I just wish the answer wasn't the ironing!

M - 608
HM - 165
Glasgow - 25
Total Distance covered  230.1 miles

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