Tuesday 2 September 2014


But no energy to do anything with it!

C started sixth form today, and not surprisingly didn't want me to take him! So instead of sitting at home feeling redundant (until H who is more than happy to accept a lift starts back tomorrow) I decided to make the most of my 'free' time and go for my run early.

It was a gorgeous morning, not a cloud in the sky and yet not too warm for running. I had spent some time on the internet playing with different routes to tweak my usual 5 mile route up a bit and was quite excited about running by the time I set off.

Some days I wonder what on earth I am putting myself through all this for, other days I know exactly why I'm doing it. Today was one of the later. I loved it. I even made a very half hearted attempt at doing some short sprints just before I made it home, but it was the wrong time to do it when my legs were already tired and I could feel it in my knees so decided to stop, but it did give me a fairly impressive fastest pace on my Garmin stats later (in fairness this would be more useful if it said  - fastest pace xxx, maintained for xxx secs, I would be surprised if mine was longer than two!).

Awash with post run euphoria I then spent the morning feeling invincible, that the world was my oyster and just how many of those irksome jobs that I never seem to get round to I was going to blitz. In reality I haven't quite mastered the technique of turning these moments of mental strength into action, and by lunchtime I just felt tired! My head however was still dreaming of greatness which is an awful lot better than worrying about Christmas, and lets face it anything that makes me feel optimistic is a bonus!

Al has yet to experience post run euphoria on quite the same level, if at all, and returns home from his run this evening just looking exhausted, but he liked the route he ran and is thinking it will become his set one for a while which is progress in itself as it's a couple of miles further than his previous one. It's a shame that we didn't run together, especially as I've missed him loads today, but I have a feeling he ran faster than me (sprint training aside!).

Halfmarathongirl and Fellow Parkrunner have shown an interest in coming on my route with me which will be nice, and although sisterofmarthongirl750 has suggested meeting us en route with refreshments she's not getting out of it that easily...  may I remind you sis that Brighton was your idea however much you did it for me.

So five and half mile route done, next up six miles! But the best bit is that today's run actually turned out to be nearer six so really I'm as good as there, although I may need reminding of that when I'm trying to psyche myself up to run next week - I know me a little too well to expect the optimism to last that long!

M - 616
HM - 173
Glasgow - 33
Distance covered             5.8 miles
Total Distance covered  218.9 miles

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