Sunday 21 September 2014

Seven Mile Sunday!

And a total distance covered of over 250 miles!

You will have gathered by now that my mind does not always work in my favour! Having more or less decided that I was going to do my seven mile run this morning, I spent most of the night waking up and thinking about it, trying to assess how my legs felt (without getting up), and whether it was a good idea or not.  Then at half seven when my alarm went  I was in the deepest sleep, good ear down, and Al had to wake up to switch it off - so much for a lie in (although thankfully he did manage to get back to sleep!).

It was the beautiful sunny morning that BBC weather had promised and I decided to go for it.  Heading in the opposite direction where I usually turn for home was hard, and discovering that I wasn't even at the half way point when I did this made it harder, but not as hard as needing the loo for the best part of the entire run, despite numerous 'last wees' before I left. Instead of running along taking in the passing scenery and clearing my head ready to come home fueled up and ready to get on, I spent the majority of it focusing on my various toilet options...

Too early for the pub to be open, no cafĂ© en route, gentleman standing outside his house having a cigarette happy to help a damsel in distress (but not resembling much of a damsel in my sweaty running gear!), nipping behind a stone wall and negotiating a spot between the nettles having checked there were no dog walkers due to pass by....

At around five miles I passed the end of the street where we used to live and even contemplated knocking on a neighbour's door "Hi! Remember me?? Know I haven't seen you for approximately five years, and I haven't really got time to stop and inquire as to how you are, but I was wondering if you would be so kind as to let me use your loo?!"

In the end I decided just to keep going and for once was incredibly grateful when my legs started to ache and I had something else to focus on!

An hour and nine minutes, 7.34 miles and one hundred and fifty days after I first talked about doing it, I completed my seven mile circuit! YIPPPPPEEEEE!! And I loved it! It was a really nice route to run. Not entirely sure how I feel about carrying on and doing it all again, but for now I am chuffed to bits that I've done it! Glasgow here we come!

M - 597
HM - 154
Glasgow - 14
Distance covered            7.3 miles
Total Distance covered  251.3 miles

Actually I know exactly how I feel about carrying on and doing it all again - incredulous, exhausted and defeatist...  but to quote myself from 'A change of perspective' 25 April 2014
"When I do run those 7 (now 14)  miles it will be the furthest I have ever run and that will be a good day!"

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