Tuesday 1 September 2015

Day 499

1.  Day 1 of my 100 Day Goal challenge is complete! I have ticked off four actions and generated some much needed traffic to my Etsy shop.  Who cares if the views were from Latvia and the US especially as I now (having completed action 1) offer international postage!

2.  I have had to remove the link to the Facebook group chat to accompany the challenge from my news feed as it would appear I am not alone in finding the thought of colouring in my reward chart as the best bit of the day.  Who knew there were so many of us procrastinators out there who would rather discuss which picture we had chosen to colour in than actually do any work!

3.  Having distanced myself from the conversation I decided to make my own! I have kept the aforementioned heart for colouring in once an action is complete, I have drawn some lovely bunting with 100 flags to mark off the days, but by far my favourite is a page with 39 shopping bags to colour as I mark off each sale! It's been a productive day!

4.  As a motivational tool we have also been alerted to a concept coined by Jerry Seinfeld which involves marking off days on a calendar for every day you do the thing you've committed to with the idea being that you 'Don't break the Chain'. I now have two very large red crosses through September 1 on two separate sheets - one for training, one for diet! Tomorrow's squares await their outcome!

5.  Run this morning with Dougal - legs felt like lead and just couldn't find any running joy at all.  But at least H was around on my return to discuss my running stats with! Asked if he wanted to see my splits, and not quite up to speed with the fact that this refers to my time for each mile, he replied "You can't do the splits mum!".  Thankfully I knew better than to try to prove him wrong!

London - 236
Glasgow - 33
Distance covered               3.8 miles
Total Distance covered     828.8 miles

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