Saturday 12 September 2015

Day 510 - Parkrun 88

1.  24.45 Yes!!!!!!!!!

2.  Coincidently Al and I both finished 1 minute and 1 second outside of our personal bests BUT this is my first time sub twenty five since December and put me back in Bronze Medal Position!

3.  It was slightly spoiled by the fact that H overtook Al on the final stretch, Dougal ran to catch up with H, and they both overtook another runner who I didn't have time (!!) to catch and thus spoiling our one two three finish! (For those of you unfamiliar with my habit of awarding myself a bronze medal - this is for being the third female home. We were in fact the 34th, 35th and 37th runners to cross the finish line but appreciate that I could have implied that H and C were the first two runners home but then I'd have been fourth because that man beat me so perhaps you all got it first time round!).

4.  Well done to parkrunfastfinisher on completing his 100th parkrun. Wish I hadn't had so many weeks off now! That T-shirt shall be mine!

5.  I usually shy away from making any political comment but today I'm making an exception.  I don't know what the election of Jeremy Corbyn to Labour Leader will mean for the country, I don't know if the thousands of people rallying in support of the refugees will have any impact on decisions to be taken by EU leaders on Monday, I don't know how we will ensure that those currently most at need in the UK aren't overlooked amidst this current crisis, and I really don't know where all this sits with the wave of nostalgia I felt catching the end of The Last Night of the Proms tonight but I hope at last it signifies a chance for change towards something we can be proud of.

parkrun 88 - 1988

London - 225
Glasgow - 22
Distance covered                 3.5 miles
Total Distance covered     857.8 miles

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