Wednesday 23 September 2015

Day 521

1.  Not entirely sure where it came from but I was in the blackest of black moods this morning. I could quite easily have given up on the whole marathongirl thing - which given that I'm sooooo close to my fundraising target and on track with my training for Glasgow was a bit unexpected.

2.  After a bit of a stern talking to (by me!) I managed to pull myself round enough to hatch a plan...

3.  I need to take a step back from it all and actually appreciate what I have achieved rather than permanently focussing on what I haven't.

4.  The bags are therefore now neatly away in a cupboard, out of sight and hopefully out of mind, and I am slowly going to start weaning myself off Etsy.

5.  That said an Etsy Boot Camp has just started that I might work through to have one last bash at it before I finally admit defeat!

London - 213
Glasgow - 11
Total Distance covered     884.5 miles

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