Monday 7 September 2015

Day 505

1.  Was woken at 1.30am by the sound of an Etsy alert on my phone.  Unfortunately a 'favourite' and not a sale but a 'favourite' is better than nothing and it did mean that I could just drift off back to sleep.  The moral dilemma of whether I would have woken Al and the boys in my excitement of a sale I can leave for another day!

2.  Marathongirl750 is now on both Pinterest and Instagram!! But I haven't really got a clue what to do with either of them!

3.  I think there must be a better way to try to drive views than by taking a screenshot and putting it on Twitter but it's all I've got for now!

4.  Legs feeling remarkably OK to say I ran twelve and a half miles yesterday - I think the run walk run strategy might just be working. I may have a different take on that when I set off for my run tomorrow!

5.  HusbandofMG750 otherwise known as Al or sometimes Mr L did fifty catches with five juggling clubs this evening! This is hard, and he's been working at it for a long time and I just wanted to take the opportunity to say YIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

London - 230
Glasgow - 27
Total Distance covered     845.5 miles

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